It is essential that your motorcycle is well prepared for the motor vehicle inspection.
We will subject your bike to a thorough check for suitability for periodic testing. If we detect any defects, we will provide you with a cost estimate.
If we find anything wrong, we'll put together a quote for you and discuss with you what happens next.
Arrange an appointment as soon as the driver and vehicle licensing office contacts you and we’ll check your motorcycle to make sure it’s fit for a motor vehicle inspection.
It is a legal requirement to take your vehicle to the relevant driver and vehicle licensing office for its MOT test after the first five years, then again after another three years and thereafter every two years. There may be a delay of some months before your vehicle is called in for its MOT, depending on the canton.
When the time comes, our experts are available for you and will get your motorcycle ready for the motor vehicle inspection, because good preparation for the periodic inspection is essential.
Ducati Volketswil
Hölzliwisenstrasse 1, 8604 Volketswil
Paolo Monteleone
Serviceberater Ducati
DE / IT / EN